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Academic Degrees


Academic Career

After completing my Bachelor's, I ventured into the business sphere and have professional experience working for an event planning firm (writing many RFPs), a consulting + ventures firm investing in food and beverage startups (lots of business writing here) and finally, where I'm currently employed, as a Partner in a successful recuriting agency out of Boulder, CO. In this role, I utilize writing skills daily for client communication, creating marketing content for the firm and many other areas as well.

Proofreading/Editing Experience and Qualifications

See Academic Career. In addition, I've worked as a freelance copywriter/editor for non-profits, creative agencies and educational institutions. Visit my LinkedIn profile for more:





Personal Message

I'm quite busy these days balancing my partnership in a recruiting agency, based in Boulder, CO, with enjoying family time with my husband and infant son. But if I can help you, I certainly will. And if I can't, I know people who can!


Evenings and weekends